Stocko Trader Artificial Intelligence

Published Oct 12, 2024

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Stocko Trader Expert Advisors

Expert Advisors

Expert Advisors (EAs) can be attached to charts to generate popup alerts whenever a buy or sell strategy triggers a signal.

How to Create an Expert Advisor:

  1. Open a chart.
  2. Click on Expert Advisors.
  3. Select Create New Expert Advisor from the menu.


Enter a name, description, message, a buy script, and a sell script (using the Trade Script).

The message will be displayed in the popup window whenever an Expert Advisor generates a signal. Users may enclose constants within brackets, separated by a pipe character (|). For example, users can write text such as:

“The SMA just crossed [over|under] the close, generating a [buy|sell] signal.”

In this case:

  • The first value is interpreted for long positions.
  • The second value is interpreted for short positions.Users can also use HTML-formatted text to customize the message. Examples include:
  • <b></b> for bold text
  • <font color=red></font> for red text


Users can save their script by clicking the Save button and can preview their scripts by clicking the Preview button. A popup alert message will appear at the bottom of the screen, displaying the message saved in the Expert Advisor script.

Using Expert Advisors (EA) with Artificial Intelligence

Users can apply various Expert Advisors (EA) to the charts to generate Buy or Sell signals using this Artificial Intelligence feature. There are 35 public Expert Advisors available in Stocko Trader, and users can also create and use their own custom Expert Advisors.

Additionally, users have the option to view the scripts of public Expert Advisors.

Editing and Deleting Expert Advisors (EA)

Using this Artificial Intelligence feature, users can edit their own custom Expert Advisors (EA). After selecting the EA, click on Edit Selected EA, and the user will be able to make changes.

Note: Users cannot edit any of the public Expert Advisors.

Additionally, users have the option to delete their own custom Expert Advisors if needed.

Consensus Reports

Consensus Reports are groups of Expert Advisors (EA) that are processed simultaneously, and their results are aggregated into a single ranking value. Users can access this feature by opening a chart and selecting Consensus Report from the Artificial Intelligence menu.

To use this feature:

  1. Select one or more Expert Advisors.
  2. Click the Apply button.


The Consensus Report will display the generated signals for each selected Expert Advisor along with a ranking value represented on a gauge.

Note: The report is generated by considering the previous 10 bars of data.

Pattern Recognition Feature

The Pattern Recognition feature in Stocko Trader allows users to search for patterns within the currently selected chart.

To use this feature:

  1. Open the Chart menu and select Pattern Recognition from the main menu.
  2. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Select <launch pattern designer…> from the list.

Use the pencil icons to draw a pattern, and then enter the appropriate settings in the text boxes below. For a complete overview of these settings, please refer to the Advanced Pattern Recognition documentation.

After clicking the Save button, return to Stocko Trader, select Chart > Pattern Recognition again, and the user-created pattern will be listed. Simply click on the pattern to search for it within the currently selected chart.

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