Stocko Account Opening/Brokerage and other charges details

Published Oct 12, 2024

Account Opening, Brokerage, Transaction, and Other Charges

  • Trading Account Opening Charges: ₹200
  • Demat Account Opening Charges: NIL
  • Demat Account Annual Maintenance Charges (AMC):
    # ₹200 + 18% GST per annum (applicable from the 2nd year onward).
    # 1st Year: Free
  • Charges are subject to applicable Exchange and Government regulations.


Equity Delivery Equity Intraday
Brokerage 0.1% or Rs. 12.99/Order whichever is lower

Rs 1299/Per Month*

0.01% or Rs. 12.99/Order whichever is lower

Rs 1299/Per Month*

STT 0.1% on  both Buy and Sell 0.025% on Sell Side
Transaction/Turnover Charges Rs.297/crore Rs.297/crore
GST 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges
SEBI Charges 10 Rs/Crore 10 Rs/Crore
Stamp Charges 0.015% on Buy-side 0.003% on Buy-side
Equity Futures Equity Options
Brokerage Rs. 12.99/Order Or Rs 1299/Per Month* Rs. 12.99/Order Or Rs 1299/Per Month*
STT 0.02% on Sell Side 0.1% on Sell Side(on Premium), 0.125% to buyer(on exercise)
Transaction/Turnover Charges Rs.215/crore Rs.3953/crore of premium
GST 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges
SEBI Charges 10 Rs/Crore 10 Rs/Crore
Stamp Charges 0.002% on Buy-side 0.003% on Buy-side
Currency Future Currency option
Brokerage 0.99 per lot or Rs. 12.99/Order whichever is lower Or Rs 1299/Per Month* 0.99 per lot or Rs. 12.99/Order whichever is lower Or Rs 1299/Per Month*
Transaction/Turnover Charges Future: Rs.60/crore Option Rs.3560/crore of premium
GST 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges
SEBI Charges 10 Rs/Crore 10 Rs/Crore
Stamp Charges 0.0001% on Buy-side 0.0001% on Buy-side
Commodity Future Commodity Options
Brokerage Rs. 12.99/Order Rs. 12.99/Order
CTT 0.01% on Sell Side (Non-Agri) 0.05% on Sell Side(on Premium), 0.125% to buyer(on exercise)
Transaction/Turnover Charges Rs.310/crore (Non-Agri) Rs.5180/crore of premium
GST 18% on Brokerage+Transaction Charge+SEBI Charges 18% on Brokerage + Transaction charge+SEBI Charges
SEBI Charges 10 Rs/Crore 10 Rs/Crore
Stamp Charges 0.002% on Buy-side 0.003% on Buy side



  1. Monthly Brokerage Plan (₹1299):
    # Charged on a calendar month basis.
    # Includes 99 orders per month; post 99 orders, ₹2.99 per order will be charged.
    # The ₹1299 plan amount will be deducted based on trading value at 2.5% until the plan value is exhausted.
  2. Transaction Charges for Specific Scripts:
    # Scripts in BSE categories (MS, TS, M, MT, IF, IT, X, XT, Z, ZP, P, R, XC, XD) attract higher transaction charges as levied by the exchange.
  3. Delivery-Based Selling:
    # DP Charges: ₹15 + 18% GST per script will be levied on client accounts.
  4. Off-Market/Inter-Depository Transactions:
    # ₹30 per instruction or 0.03% of the transaction value, whichever is higher.
  5. BSE Transaction Charges:
    # ₹375 per crore on all Group A/B/T scripts.
  6. Professional Clearing Member (PCM) Charges:
    # Included in transaction charges.


For more details about Brokerage Plans, refer to this [link].
For the Brokerage Calculator, refer to this [link].

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