Charting and Trade from Charts

Published Oct 12, 2024

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Orders on charts can be placed in two ways:

  1. Quick Limit Order Window
  2. Trade by Right-Click Menu in Charts

Trading Through Quick Order

Shortcut: Press Ctrl + Q

Limit orders can be placed through the Quick Order sticker located at the top left corner of the chart. The Buy and Sell buttons represent the best available prices for buying and selling, respectively.

  • The Quick Order sticker is movable and can be positioned on the chart for user convenience. Also, it could be disabled if the user does not want to see it, by pressing Ctrl + Q, by un-checking View Quick Order in the View menu, or by un-checking in the Chart settings.A confirmation message for submitting an order comes to show the details of the order. Once the submit button is clicked or the enter key is pressed the order is sent. Trading through Right-Click Menu Users can trade from any chart by right-clicking and selecting “Buy Here” or “Sell Here”.Please note that only Limit and Stop Loss Market Order type is supported.

Chart Order Above LTP

When the user places a Buy Order on a chart, the system evaluates the price at the cursor position relative to the last candle’s close price:

  • If the cursor’s price is above the close price of the last candle, the system will select the SL-M (Stop Loss-Market) order type.
  • If the cursor’s price is below the close price of the last candle, the system will place a Limit order type.

Chart Order Below LTP

Similarly, when a Sell Order is placed on the chart:

  • If the price at the cursor position is above the close price of the last candle, the system will select the Limit order type.
  • If the price at the cursor position is below the close price of the last candle, the system will select the SL-M (Stop Loss-Market) order type.


User order details can be viewed in the Order Book (Press F3).


When using this feature:

  • Be SURE to create a user trigger line ABOVE or BELOW the candle and NOT INSIDE the candle. Placing the trigger line inside a candle may lead to the user order being triggered even if the price hasn’t penetrated from the reverse side.
  • Do not attempt to use this feature with price styles other than candlestick or OHLC bars.

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