Published Oct 12, 2024
Our RMS (Risk Management System) may square off your intraday positions (Product Types MIS and Cover Orders) 15 minutes before market closing in the NSE segment, including Currency, and 30 minutes before market closing in the MCX segment.
Additionally, RMS will square off your positions, regardless of product type or time, as soon as your MTM (Mark-to-Market) loss reaches 80%.
South Asian Stocks Ltd. : NSE Member Code 09073, BSE Member Code 6329, MCX Member Code : 55215 , NCDEX Member Code : 1233 NSDL : IN-DP-474-2020 . SEBI Registration No. INZ000164738
Compliance Officer: NSE,BSE,MCX,NCDEX,NSDL : Mr RK Jain , 011-40409999
Registered Office : 3rd Floor, Building No.5, Local Shopping Complex, Rishabh Vihar, Near Karkarduma Metro Station. East Delhi – 110092
For any complaints related to South Asian Stocks Ltd email at
Please ensure you carefully read the risk Disclosure Document.
Procedure to file a complaint on SEBI SCORES: Register on SCORES portal. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES: Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID. Benefits: Effective communication, Speedy redressal of the grievances