How To Transfer Shares Offline ?

Published Oct 12, 2024

If you wish to transfer shares to a third-party Demat account, the Off-market transfer is a method to transfer shares from your Stocko Demat account to any other Demat account with another broker through the off-market route. This option can be used for gifting shares to family members, executing bulk deals between institutions, and other purposes.

To initiate an off-market share transfer from your Stocko Demat account to any third-party Demat account, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the attached DIS (Delivery Instruction Slip) requisition form and Target Beneficiary Details Annexure form.
  2. Print and fill out the forms.
  3. Send the signed hard copies to us at our office address.


Once we receive your DIS requisition form, we will send the DIS booklet to your registered residential address after completing the necessary mandate checks.

Upon receiving the DIS booklet, please fill out the DIS slip and send it back to us (a sample filled DIS slip is attached for your reference).

After receiving your completed DIS slip, we will initiate the share transfer request.

Once your request is processed by the Stocko team, you will receive an Email & SMS notification for approval from NSDL. Please authorize your off-market share transfer request promptly.


Please ensure that you fill in the reason for the share transfer (such as Gift, Donation, or Transfer to Own Account). A list of reasons is available on the front page of the DIS booklet.

Off-Market / Inter-Depository Transaction Fee: Rs. 30 per instruction or 0.03% of the transaction value, whichever is higher.

DIS Request Form >

Sample DIS Form >

Target beneficiary Annexure form >

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