Pre-Trade risk controls _Market price protection for Future contracts

Img September 3, 2022

The exchange has launched the following features as part of Pre Trade Risk Control

* Market orders shall not be allowed in a contract which has not traded for the day i.e. LTP is not available for the day. Market orders received in such scenario shall be rejected by the Exchange with message :-  17181: Contract not traded. Market order not allowed

* Market Orders shall be allowed to be traded only up to certain mark-up/down price above/below Last traded Price (LTP) Market orders above/below markup price shall be rejected by the exchange with message – 17182: Order could have resulted in trade beyond mark-up price.

For further details kindly check NFO ,CDS

South Asian Stocks Ltd. : NSE Member Code 09073, BSE Member Code 6329, MCX Member Code : 55215 , NCDEX Member Code : 1233 NSDL : IN-DP-474-2020 . SEBI Registration No. INZ000164738
Compliance Officer: NSE,BSE,MCX,NCDEX,NSDL : Mr RK Jain , 011-40409999
Registered Office : 3rd Floor, Building No.5, Local Shopping Complex, Rishabh Vihar, Near Karkarduma Metro Station. East Delhi – 110092

For any complaints related to South Asian Stocks Ltd email at
Please ensure you carefully read the risk Disclosure Document.
Procedure to file a complaint on SEBI SCORES: Register on SCORES portal. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES: Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, E-mail ID. Benefits: Effective communication, Speedy redressal of the grievances