From Sep 1st, 2020 as per SEBI Circular all funded stock can only be held by way of margin pledge.
Please approve MTF (Equity Plus) pledge requests sent to you by SAS Online
A. Click on the link received on SMS/Email.
B. Submit your PAN and CAPTCHA
C. Verify your Scrip code and Quantity and click on confirm
D. Enter the OTP which is sent to your mobile & Email within a given time period.
E. You will get confirmation that your request is initiated
Please note- To continue to get further delivery limit in your account under EQ+ you will be required to approve pledge request against funded stock bought in your account though your account may be in credit
Example – You transfer 5 lac to Trading account and buy delivery worth 5 lac. We will mark this 5 lac also as funded stock though your account is not in negative and send you an MTF pledge request. This way your delivery limit will be open and you will be able to buy delivery upto 4X the total amount which in this case is upto 20 lac. If you don’t approve the MTF pledge request you won’t be able to buy further delivery in your account as limit will be zero
We will be initiating pledge requests from our end on all funded stock and you would be required to approve the same via OTP mechanism. Please note once shares are purchased under MTF we will be initiating the pledge request on T day itself and the same would have to be approved failing which further buying in your account will be restricted from T+3 and we will have to liquidate your funded stock as per SEBI norms by T+5 post 2:30 pm.
1 Pledge request initiated by SAS Online on T day itself.
2 Delivery of funded stock from exchange T+2.
3 Further position not allowed from T+3 if request not approved
4 Liquidation of securities on T+5 post 2:30 pm if pledge not approved via OTP ( Weekends / Trading Holidays will not be counted while calculating T+5 )
For more information on the Margin Trading Funding policy kindly refer this Link
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South Asian Stocks Ltd. : NSE Member Code 09073, BSE Member Code 6329, MCX Member Code : 55215 , NCDEX Member Code : 1233 NSDL : IN-DP-474-2020 . SEBI Registration No. INZ000164738
Compliance Officer: NSE,BSE,MCX,NCDEX,NSDL : Mr RK Jain , 011-40409999
Registered Office : 3rd Floor, Building No.5, Local Shopping Complex, Rishabh Vihar, Near Karkarduma Metro Station. East Delhi – 110092
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