How can I Reset Password in NEST / Stocko Trading Platform ?

Published Oct 17, 2024

On the login page of NEST, Stocko Mobile App, or Stocko Web, the “Forgot Password” option is available. Click on it to reset your password easily. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Password Guidelines

To ensure account security, adhere to the following password creation rules:

  1. Include Both Alpha and Numeric Characters: A-Z and 0-9
  2. Special Characters Allowed: ] [ ? / < ~ # ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) + = } | : ” ; ‘ , > {`
  3. Password Length: Minimum 6 characters, Maximum 12 characters
  4. Password Expiry: Passwords will expire every 90 days for security reasons.
  5. Reuse Restriction: The new password cannot match any of your last 3 passwords.
  6. Account Lock: Your account will be locked after entering the wrong password 3 times consecutively.


Need Help Changing Your Password?

If you face any difficulties changing your password, contact us via any of the following options:

  • Call: 011-40409999
  • Email:
  • Live Chat: Available during business hours


Password will be sent to your registered email id only.

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